Assessment Administration

Modified on Tue, 8 Oct at 2:40 PM

Digital assessments within the 95 Literacy Intervention System™ (LIS) streamline and enhance 95 Percent Group paper and pencil assessments.


To learn more about digital assessments within the LISreference our article on Digital Assessments Overview. 

95 Literacy Intervention System™ 


The 95 Literacy Intervention System™ (LIS) is an assessment system that lives in the One95 platform. This digital toolset empowers you to identify phonological awareness and phonics skill gaps, group students with similar reading challenges, and deliver targeted instruction using recommended resources from the One95™ Literacy Ecosystem™. Student data is aggregated to provide 360-degree visibility at the school and district levels, automating time-consuming workflows. With the LIS, students receive the help they need to move out of intervention and become successful readers.  


Contact your main district contact to learn more about the LIS. 

Launching Assessments 


Assessments can be started or scheduled on the Student Details page.  


Access the Student Details page by selecting a listing or student info card within the My Activities or My Students tabs of the Today page, respectively. 


My Activities 

The My Activities tab displays a snapshot of the students you have assessed, in-progress assessments, and upcoming assessments scheduled (including those assigned to you). It is an active queue.  


If an assessment is scheduled to be administered or overdue, select the listing from the tab to reach the Student Details page and launch the assessment.  


My Students 

The My Students tab displays the student info cards of the students that you are associated with based on your rostering platform, students in intervention groups in which you are a leader, and students you have been scheduled to administer assessments. 


Click on a student info card to reach the Student Details page and start or complete an assessment.  

Student Details Page 


In addition to providing a historical record of previous assessments and intervention services each student received, the Student Details page is the launch pad for digital assessments. 

Three diagnostic assessment types are available to evaluate student reading proficiency: 


  • Phonological Awareness Screener for Intervention (PASI)  
  • Phonics Screener for Intervention (PSI)  
  • Phonics Lesson Library (PLL) end-of-unit assessment 


PASI and PSI diagnostics pinpoint where intervention should focus. PLL end-of-unit assessments measure student progress in specific subskill patterns following intervention.  


Practice assessments are available for assessors to get comfortable with the digital assessment experience. It is advisable to go through practice assessments a couple of times before live assessments are initiated to become acquainted and build confidence with the processes.  


To learn more about practice assessments, reference our article on Practice Assessments.  


Scheduled Assessments 


If an assessment has already been scheduled by you or someone on your behalf, there will be a Scheduled to Assess banner above the Actions panel.  


The Actions panel will be pre-populated and ready to launch a new assessment. Click START ASSESSMENT to begin administering the digital assessment. 


Assessments cannot be started ahead of their due date. You can only override the assessment by modifying the Actions panel and clicking SCHEDULE ASSESSMENT 

Reference the due date within the Today page's My Activities tab and return to the Actions panel to launch the assessment on that date. 


New Assessments 


Complete the Actions panel to start or schedule a new assessment.  


To learn more about configuring assessments, reference our article on Student Details Page. 


Once the Actions panel is completed, click START ASSESSMENT to begin administering the digital assessment.  




PSI and PLL Assessments 


After starting PSI and PLL assessments, you are presented with brief assessment instructions. 


Click Continue to read the assessment instructions. It is advisable to review these instructions before every session. It is important for the integrity of the assessment not to skip them as they outline the necessary steps to get set up. 


Clicking Skip instructions takes you directly into the assessment without providing context on how to prepare for it.  


After clicking Continue, proceed through each step by clicking Next Step 


Click Done, Let’s Get Started! once the instructions are complete. This launches the assessment.  


PASI Assessments 


PASI instructions are presented within each assessment. They are displayed at the top of the prompt console alongside a unique objective for each skill.  


The instructions vary from skill to skill within the Directions section. Hide or expand this section at any time during the assessment via the arrow icon. 

The formatting of the instructions (e.g., underlining, coloration) serves as a guide intended to orient the assessor as to what is an instruction, what is a sound, what they should say, what the student should say, and/or what they should be listening for.  


It is advisable to review and talk through these instructions before every session. It is important for the integrity of the assessment not to skip them as they outline the necessary steps to get set up. 


Once the assessment has begun, a banner dynamically provides instructions as the assessor moves between and scores keywords.


Assessing Students 


1. Student Preparation 


Assessment Materials 


Depending on the assessment type, students can read the prompts from the student materials booklet, printed prompt sheets, and/or from a digital device.  


PASI assessments do not require any reference material as students are only required to listen and speak. 


It is advisable to use printed assessment copies until the digital administration process becomes familiar. 


Connecting Virtually 


PSI and PLL assessments can be administered virtually, with the student reading from their digital device. If the student is reading from a digital device, they will navigate to in a browser window. 


Next, the assessor will click Connect Student within the Status section of their prompt console. This populates the session ID. Assessors must share this code to connect with the student.  


Students will input the session ID and click CONNECT once complete. It is okay to assist the student throughout this process.  

Once the session ID has been input and submitted by the student via the CONNECT button, the assessor will view a confirmation message. Click Yes to connect to the student. 


After confirmation, the student will have access to the digital flipbook. The Status section will outline that the student connection is active.  


Assessors can click the Reconnect button to generate a new session ID if the student closes the application or their device disconnects from the internet.  


The teacher scoring view is more elaborate than what the student sees. 

The student view only displays rows of prompt words without any markup (i.e., the underlining below words that signal the correct pronunciations for the assessor), identical to paper and pencil assessments. 

Students cannot view how the prompts are being scored, any notational elements, and the pacing the teacher scoring view provides. Students drive the pace of the assessment based on their reading speed. If multiple skills are being assessed, the educator console display will change as the educator listens and scores each skill section.  


2. Recording 


To record an assessment, click the microphone icon within the Recording section. This begins the recording process. Note that recordings are taken from the assessor’s device, not the student’s device if connected virtually. 


It is advisable to turn on the recording feature when administering assessments. This creates an audio recording of the student’s delivery that can be reviewed post-assessment by the assessor or someone assisting them to facilitate score updates.  


Once the assessment is saved, recordings will be available for reference alongside the student’s assessment data. PSI assessments unlock the ability to compare before and after audio if multiple skill assessments with recorded audio are given over time.


Audio cannot be captured once you have begun scoring PSI and PLL prompts. It cannot be paused. Get into the habit of clicking the microphone icon immediately after launching these assessments. 

Audio can be captured, paused, and un-paused at any time during PASI assessments by clicking the microphone icon.  


The recording will continue to capture audio as the student progresses through one or multiple skills unless paused. It stops after the assessment has been fully completed and you arrive at the Assessment Summary page. 


3. Assessing


Once the recording feature is on, assessors will begin evaluating the student. The focus should be on listening and scoring versus providing verbal feedback.  


The assessment will begin at the skill selected when the assessment activity was initiated. 


  • Students will read the prompts from left to right within PSI and PLL assessments. 
  • Students will listen to the assessor’s instructions to navigate PASI assessments. 


Assessors will score each prompt with a score mark and/or common error and pace as the student reads.  


Scores can be changed at any time mid-assessment by clicking the prompts and selecting a new mark. However, it is advisable to record the assessment, focus on listening to the student, and make any necessary adjustments once the assessment has concluded when students are not present.  


Primary Score Marks


There are four primary score marks within the Score Marks section: red X, hesitation and self-correct, sound-by-sound, and green check.  


Only the red X and green check scores marks are applicable within PASI assessments. 


Other errors specific to each prompt may be presented in a Common Errors section.  

Red X 

Use the red X mark to indicate a prompt is read incorrectly.  


Once you have begun incorporating the Common Errors section into your PSI assessment workflow, this mark can be used for wrong answers that you cannot pinpoint. 


Hesitation and Self-Correct 


Use the hesitation and self-correct mark to indicate hesitation and/or self-correction but ultimately the correct pronunciation. 


This mark can be used as a notational element. 




Use the sound-by-sound mark to indicate sounding out a prompt that is ultimately the correct pronunciation. 


This mark can be used as a notational element.  


Green Check 


Use the green check mark to indicate a word is read correctly. 


Best Practices 


It is advisable to only use the green check and red X score marks at first to get comfortable with scoring diagnostic assessments.  


Once you are comfortable with the scoring process, noting the student’s fluency via the hesitation and self-correct and sound-by-sound marks can help assessors determine whether students have full mastery of a skill. Flagging a student’s level of ease during the assessment is important in this analysis. 


Move on to incorporating the common errors into your PSI scoring workflow once the score marks are familiar.  

Common Errors 


The Common Errors section offers additional error marks that represent common errors most frequently heard for each word. These score marks can provide more insight into what the student is or is not understanding. 


While scoring prompts, common pronunciation errors are dynamically presented. These common errors can help newer educators refine their observational listening skills. 


Common errors can be green or red. 


  • Green common errors are notational as they do not count as a scored error. They indicate the student pronounced the target digraph correctly but may not have read all sounds correctly.  
  • Red common errors count as a scored error. 


It takes practice and routine to build up the ability to manage the available choices  including the score marks  while focusing attention on observing and listening at the same timeIt is advisable to turn off the common errors by disabling the Show Common Errors toggle, which is enabled by default, until you are comfortable incorporating them. 


From there, turn on the recording feature and lock into what the students are doing. Completed assessments can be put on hold which enables the ability to go back in, replay the assessment, and make necessary changes before the student’s data is saved.  


Note: Disabling common errors means they will be disabled within the Assessment Summary page and for every assessment administered thereafter until re-enabled.  



Capture notes within the Notes section during PSI and PLL assessment administration, while reviewing the Assessment Summary page after an assessment has been completed, or while reviewing on-hold assessments. 


Like paper and pencil assessments, note informal observations, standout error patterns, or trends that you would like to record for future reference. Notes can be viewed by all users with visibility into the student within the LIS. 


Add or modify notes within the Notes fields alongside PASI prompts.



Mark the checkboxes within the Signals section during PSI and PLL assessment administration, while reviewing the Assessment Summary page after an assessment has been completed, or while reviewing on-hold assessments. 


Signal checkboxes offer a quick way to record student reading patterns that persist across words in an assessment. It is advisable for assessors to mark these checkboxes if they have observed the following behaviors across multiple assessments or skills.


Tracking Sequence 


If the student is not reading from left to right, mark the Tracking Sequence checkbox. 


Consonant Confusion 


If the student is confusing consonants (e.g., B and D), mark the Consonant Confusion checkbox. This can help educators know when it might be helpful to spend specific time with the student on these patterns which may not be covered in core instruction or intervention.




If the student is reading too slowly or too quickly and missing words, mark the Pacing checkbox.  

Determining Where to Stop


If the skill progresses well, you can proceed normally to the next skill by clicking CONTINUE 

Students virtually connected to the assessment will view the next set of prompts once CONTINUE is selected. Assessors should pace this change so there is time between the student reading the final prompt and the assessment moving forward. 


Assessments can be stopped at any time by clicking the STOP button. After confirming that you want to stop, you will return to the Student Details page without saving any assessment data. Incomplete PASI assessments will take you to the Assessment Summary page.  


Assessors can continue assessing additional skills or stop the assessment if the student is reading proficiently. Proceed through assessments until the student reaches a PSI or PLL skill where they score less than 90% or a PASI skill where they score less than 80%. Watch for signs of distress or fatigue and stop the assessment when the student becomes frustrated. 


If the student is not reading proficiently and makes a lot of errors, the LIS will recommend stopping. A pop-up screen with statistics will give the assessor some information that can help determine whether to continue or stop. It is advisable to follow the LIS recommendations.  


Students in middle school and high school grades may exhibit instructional gaps during assessments. In this case, use your professional judgment in determining when to stop. The sequence of PSI skills assessed is entirely determined by the assessor to accommodate different student needs and instructional practices.  


Once the assessment is stopped, you will arrive at the Assessment Summary page. Review the skills delivered and modify score marks and notational elements from here. 


Completing the Assessment 


Discard, hold, or save assessments within the Assessment Summary page. 


  • Discarding the assessment discards it completely.  
  • Holding the assessment holds it for later review.  
  • Saving the assessment saves it and creates a record. 


Discarded Assessments 


Click Discard to discard the assessment. This action cannot be undone. 


After confirmation, you will return to the Student Details page. 


On-Hold Assessments 


Click Hold to hold the assessment.  


If the assessment is held, you can recap, replay, and adjust scores at any time until it is fully saved. It is advisable to make the hold option your go-to. This option reduces the errors and stress during live assessments and allows time to process before final decisions are made. 


The observational assessments within the LIS are intended to be brief exercises with the student. After the assessment, more time may be needed to understand the student’s results, make corrections, and consider how to help. 


Clicking Hold places the assessment within the assessor’s My Activities tab of the Today page as a reminder to return and complete the assessment. The pending assessment will be added to the Student Details page’s Assessment History table. 


Selecting on-hold listings from the My Activities tab or the Assessment History table takes you directly to the Assessment Summary page for review.  


Click REVIEW ASSESSMENT within the student’s Student Details page to wrap up the assessment review. On-hold assessments must be discarded or saved to start or schedule new ones. 


Saved Assessments 


Click Save to save the assessment. This saves the administration record and closes the assessment. 


Once the assessment is saved, the results are locked in. The administration data and sparkline summarizing PSI results (if applicable) will be updated on the Student Details page and throughout the LIS. 


Saved assessments cannot be opened and modified again. They will be recorded chronologically and available for reference at any time within the Student Details page’s Assessment History table.   

User roles that permit access to the student as defined by your district’s rostering platform can view assessment results. 


To learn more about the Assessment Summary page, reference our article on Assessment Summary Page 

Removing Saved Assessments  


The user who administered and saved a previous assessment can remove the history by selecting the record from the Student Details page and clicking Remove within the Assessment Summary page. 

This enables the correction of back-entered paper assessments that may have been recorded on the wrong Student Details page.  



Note: Users who did not administer the assessment will only see the Exit button. 


After clicking Remove, click Yes, Please Remove to confirm. 

You will return to the Student Details page. The assessment will be removed from the student’s Assessment History table.  


If the student’s latest PSI assessment was removed: 


  • The corresponding vertical bar within the student’s sparkline will be removed and reflect the skill results of the last PSI assessment evaluated (if applicable) 
  • The data within the grouping sandbox of the Groups page’s Setup New Intervention Cycle tab will be removed and reflect the skill results of the last PSI assessment evaluated (if applicable)

95 Percent Group Support is here to help! Contact us via the knowledge base support form or email at 

To learn more about submitting tickets, reference our article on One95™ Support. 

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