Student Details Page

Modified on Tue, 8 Oct at 2:37 PM

The Student Details page gives educators a detailed view of phonics proficiency progress for each student in their care. Ifacilitates following up on individual student retesting and provides reference information for student services review and parent-teacher discussions. This page is the launch pad for starting or scheduling assessments in the 95 Literacy Intervention System™ (LIS). 


Access the Student Details page by selecting a listing or student info card within the Today page’s My Activities or My Students tabs, respectively. 

95 Literacy Intervention System 


If your district has the 95 Literacy Intervention System (LIS) enabled in the One95 platform, the My Activities and My Students tabs will be available on the Today page. 


The LIS is an assessment system that lives in the One95 platform. This digital toolset empowers you to identify phonological awareness and phonics skill gaps, group students with similar reading challenges, and deliver targeted instruction using recommended resources from the One95  Literacy EcosystemStudent data is aggregated to provide 360-degree visibility at the school and district levels, automating time-consuming workflows. With the LIS, students receive the help they need to move out of intervention and become successful readers.  


Contact your main district contact to learn more about the LIS. 

1. Student Information 


The student’s name and initials or picture are presented at the top of the page.  

Intervention Participation  


Identify grouped students by the notations below the student’s name, which may display the intervention groups in which the student is involved. 


Students can participate in up to three intervention groups concurrently: one Classroom group, one Tier 2 group, and one Tier 3 group. Depending on how the intervention group is configured, a group symbol (i.e., animal or shape) may appear next to the intervention group name. 


An indication of the student’s literacy progress via a graph known as a sparkline is shown next to the student’s name. The same sparkline is visible within the Today page’s My Activities and My Students tabs. 


View how long the student has been in Tier 2 intervention next to the sparkline. This timeline is measured in weeks. It is calculated by multiplying the number of weeks in an intervention cycle with the number of completed Tier 2 groups outlined in the Intervention Group Participation table 

Note: One95 Administrators determine the number of weeks in an intervention cycle within the Settings page's Environment tab. To learn more about this page, reference our article on Settings | Environment Page.  


Sparklines are vertical bars representing the Phonics Screener for Intervention (PSI) assessment results. They are a high-level student data view that visualizes where the student is in their skill progression and how they perform across these skills. 


The 15 vertical bars within the sparkline align with the 15 skills of the PSI assessment. Each bar represents the latest score received by the student. 


Once a PSI assessment has been administered and saved, the student’s score is illustrated as a bar within the sparkline.  

  • Green vertical bars indicate a mastery of 90% or better 
  • Orange vertical bars indicate a mastery of approximately 78%. 
  • Red vertical bars indicate a mastery of approximately 65%. 
  • Gray dots indicate PSI skills that have not been assessed. 

Heritage Language 


The student’s heritage language may appear next to the intervention timeline. This information can provide context and help you understand how and why the student is experiencing their skill gaps. It can offer insight into where native language articulation differences may contribute to reading proficiency challenges.  


If the student’s heritage language is known but is not currently notated or incorrect, click the pencil icon below Heritage Language to update the page.  


Select a heritage language from the Heritage Language modal. Select Other if the student's language is unavailable.


Click Save once complete.  

2. Assessment History 

The Assessment History section lists the assessments the student has been given and how they have performed. Reference how the student is progressing within intervention over the school year here. 

This section centralizes assessment data from the Phonological Awareness Screener for Intervention (PASI), PSI, and Phonics Lesson Library (PLL).  


Student data can be used to determine what intervention services are appropriate and offer visibility to stakeholders at the school and district levels.  




  • Not all students require intervention. 
  • Students will not always start at the same place within intervention and may receive different dosages of intervention services according to their needs.  
  • Upon entry to this page, the visual focus of the Assessment History table will center on the most current and highest skill assessment administeredHorizontal and vertical scroll bars can bring earlier assessments into focus.  

Assessment History Table 


The Assessment History table displays an assessment continuum with evaluated skills as columns.  


Scroll up and down using your mouse and sideways using the table’s arrow icons to view all assessments and results. The latest data from each PSI skill assessed gets rolled up and considered as students are grouped for the next intervention cycle. 


Assessments Administered 


The leftmost column outlines the assessment type, the date it was administered, and the assessment form used within diagnostic assessments. Assessments are displayed with the most recent assessments at the bottom of the table 


A unique color indicates each assessment type. 


  • PASI assessments are green. 
  • PSI assessments are white. 
  • PLL assessments are gray. 


Green checkmarks indicate the assessment has been completed and saved. The absence of checkmarks indicates the assessment is on hold and pending review.  

Assessment Skills


The table’s columns are labeled PA1 through PA11 and P1 through P15. These columns represent the 11 PASI skills and 15 PSI skills, respectively. Note that PLL subskills are aligned underneath each PSI skill. 


Hover over the columns to view the skill names. Look down on each column to view the student’s scores. 

Read the assessment results horizontally to view how many skills were completed within each assessment administration. 

Drilling Down 


To drill down into the details of a previously administered assessment, click the ellipsis menu next to the assessments from the leftmost column of the Assessment History table or click on the score cells.  


From there, review what the student scored within each completed skill, any notes or signals documented, and recommended resources to begin intervening based on the student’s needs. If audio was captured, play it back within the Session Recordings section.  


Click Print next to the Recommended Resources section to print the information within the Assessment Summary page. 


To learn more about this page, reference our article on Assessment Summary Page. 

Removing Saved Assessments


The user who administered and saved a previous assessment can remove the history by selecting the record from the Assessment History table and clicking Remove within the Assessment Summary page.  


This enables the correction of back-entered paper assessments that may have been recorded on the wrong Student Details page. 


Note: Users who did not administer the assessment will only see the Exit button. 


After clicking Remove, click Yes, Please Remove to confirm. 


You will return to the Student Details page. The assessment will be removed from the student’s Assessment History table. 


If the student’s latest PSI assessment was removed: 


  • The corresponding vertical bar within the student’s sparkline will be removed and reflect the skill results of the last PSI assessment evaluated (if applicable) 
  • The data within the grouping sandbox of the Groups page’s Setup New Intervention Cycle tab will be removed and reflect the skill results of the last PSI assessment evaluated (if applicable) 

Skills PA1-PA11 


Skills PA1 through PA11 test phonological awareness. The PA1 through PA11 columns reflect the student’s scores within their cells 


Scores represent assessment results out of 5. Score colors are an indicator of the student’s PASI skill mastery. 

  • Green scores represent a mastery of 80% or better (i.e., a score of 4 or above).  
  • Orange scores represent a mastery of 60% (i.e., a score of 3). 
  • Red scores represent a mastery of below 60% (i.e., a score of 2 or below). 


Skill P1 


Skill P1 acts as a bridge between PASI and PSI skills. It is tested in two parts: letter names and letter sounds. The P1 column reflects the student’s scores for each part in divided cells. 


  • The top score represents the letter name results. 
  • The bottom score represents the letter sound results. 


Scores represent assessment results out of 26. Score colors are an indicator of the student’s PSI skill mastery. 


  • Green scores represent a mastery of approximately 92% or better (i.e., a score of 24 or above). 
  • Orange scores represent a mastery of approximately 89-73% (i.e., a score between 23 and 19). 
  • Red scores represent a mastery of below 70% (i.e., a score of 18 or below). 


Skills P2-P9 


Skills P2 through P9 are tested in two parts: pseudowords and sight word sentences. The P2 through P9 columns reflect the student's scores for each part in divided cells.


  • The top score represents the pseudoword results. 
  • The bottom score represents the sight word sentence results. 


Scores represent assessment results out of 10. Score colors are an indicator of the student’s PSI skill mastery. 


  • Green scores represent a mastery of 90% or better (i.e., a score of 9 or above).  
  • Orange scores represent a mastery of 89-60% (i.e., a score of 7 or 8). 
  • Red scores represent a mastery of below 60% (i.e., a score of 6 or below). 


Skill P10 


Skill P10 tests pseudowords. The P10 column reflects the student’s scores within their cells. 


Scores represent assessment results out of 20. Score colors are an indicator of the student’s PSI skill mastery. 


  • Green scores represent a mastery of 90% or better (i.e., a score of 18 or above). 
  • Orange scores represent a mastery of 85-70% (i.e., a score between 17 and 14). 
  • Red scores represent a mastery of below 65% (i.e., a score of 13 or below). 


Skills P11-P15 


Skills P11 through P15 test pseudowords. The P11 through P15 columns reflect the student’s scores within their cells.  


Scores represent assessment results out of 10. Score colors are an indicator of the student’s PSI skill mastery. 


  • Green scores represent a mastery of 90% or better (i.e., a score of 9 or above).  
  • Orange scores represent a mastery of 89-60% (i.e., a score of 7 or 8). 
  • Red scores represent a mastery of below 60% (i.e., a score of 6 or below). 


PLL Subskills 


Skills P2 through P15 test pseudowords. The P2 through P15 columns reflect the student’s scores within their cells. PLL scores outline their assessed subskill. 


Scores represent assessment results out of 10. Score colors are an indicator of the student’s PLL subskill mastery. 


  • Green scores represent a mastery of 90% or better (i.e., a score of 9 or above).  
  • Orange scores represent a mastery of 89-60% (i.e., a score of 7 or 8). 
  • Red scores represent a mastery of below 60% (i.e., a score of 6 or below). 

Comparing Before and After Audio 


The Compare Before and After button above the Assessment History table can be used if multiple PSI assessments with recorded audio have been given over time. 


This button enables the ability to listen to before and after audio comparisons of the student’s skills. It facilitates a tangible record of the progression that intervention services have provided and highlights the growth between assessments.  


After initiating the comparison via the Compare Before and After button, select a PSI skill by clicking the button. Skills will be grayed out if they are ineligible.  

Then, click Run This Comparison. The earliest and latest audio clips are presented. Click the play icon to listen to each session. 

Click Close This Comparison once complete.


Printing Assessment Record 

The Print button at the top of the Assessment History section allows you to print the student's record and obtain hard copies of the data within the Student Details page. 

This information can be used as supporting documentation for the student and shared with stakeholders who may not have access to the One95 platform. 


3. Intervention Group Participation 

If the student has been or is currently involved in an intervention group, there will be an Intervention Group Participation section below the Assessment History table 

This section provides a history of when the student went in and out of intervention and gives you a sense of what additional assistive services the student has received.  


The table outlines the intervention group type (e.g., Tier 2), the group name, the dates in which the student was involved, the group leader who provided instruction, and the intervention focus. 


Note: End dates are unavailable if the student is currently involved in a group. 

4. Actions Panel 

Start or schedule new assessments from the Actions panel on the right side of the screen. Everything required to immediately deliver an assessment or schedule it later for yourself or another person is here.

To learn more about digital assessments within the LISreference our article on Digital Assessments Overview.   


From a high levelstarting or scheduling assessments involves determining the assessment type, due dateassessorform, and skill.  


The Actions panel will be available to launch assessments unless students have on-hold assessments or are scheduled to be assessed 

On-Hold Assessments 


If an assessment has been administered and put on hold, the Actions panel will be unavailable and instead will offer a REVIEW ASSESSMENT button as a prompt to complete the assessment.  


On-hold assessments must be saved or discarded in order to start or schedule new ones. 


Scheduled Assessments 


If an assessment has already been scheduled by you or someone on your behalf, there will be a Scheduled to Assess banner above the Actions panel.  


The Actions panel will be pre-populated and ready to launch a new assessment. Click START ASSESSMENT to begin administering the digital assessment. 


Assessments cannot be started ahead of their due date. You can only override the assessment by modifying the Actions panel and clicking SCHEDULE ASSESSMENT 


Reference the due date within the Today page's My Activities tab and return to the Actions panel to launch the assessment on that date.


New Assessments 


To start or schedule a new assessment, complete the Actions panel as follows.  

Assessment Type 

Assessment types indicate the type of diagnostic used to evaluate student's early literacy skillsAlongside practice assessments, there are three assessment types available in the LIS.


  • Phonological Awareness Screener for Intervention (PASI) 
  • Phonics Screener for Intervention (PSI) 
  • Phonics Lesson Library (PLL) end-of-unit assessment 


PASI and PSI diagnostics pinpoint where intervention should focus. PLL end-of-unit assessments measure student progress following intervention. These three digital assessments correspond to paper versions widely used by 95 Percent Group customers for many years. Paper versions of the assessments and supporting materials are available on the corresponding resource tile on the Resources page 


Select an assessment type from the Assessment Type drop-down.  


Note: The drop-down may default to an assessment type based on previous assessments issued. 

Practice Assessments 

Practice assessments are a fourth type of assessment that allows users to experience observing and scoring digital PSI skills without affecting student data so the educator can become comfortable with administering digital assessments.


Within practice assessments, you will listen to recordings of students reading PSI assessment prompts and get comfortable with scoring along as it plays.  


To learn more about launching and navigating practice assessments, reference our article on Practice Assessments 

Assess On Date 


Assessments can be started and administered right away or scheduled for a later date. 


  • To administer an assessment immediately, leave the default date as today within the Assess On Date field. 
  • To schedule a future assessment, click the calendar icon to select a date from the date picker.  


If you have previously administered a paper and pencil assessment and want to enter the student’s history into the LISselect the past administration date from the calendar picker.  


The predated assessment can be completed identically to live assessments. The Notes section can be leveraged to document that the assessment was given on paper instead of digitally alongside any additional notes. 


Once saved, predated assessmentwill appear chronologically within the Assessment History table.  


Assess By 


Assessors in charge of administering assessments.  


To assign yourself as the assessor, leave the default assessor as your username within the Assess By drop-down 


To assign the assessor to someone assisting you in delivering assessments, select their name from the drop-down. Assessors must be One95 platform users to be eligible

Upon saving an assessment scheduled for someone else, the designated assessor will see an activity in the Today page's My Activities tab.


Select a form 


Forms offer alternate sets of question prompts so students can be presented with fresh decoding opportunities. 


Determine the assessment form within the Select a form drop-down. 


PASI and PSI assessments feature three forms for progress monitoring: Form A, Form B, and Form C. All three forms assess the same skills in the same manner and are equivalent to each other. Monitor intervention progress more frequently by alternating between forms so that students will not remember previous prompts. 


It is advisable to use Form A for initial testing. Form A can also be used for end-of-year summative information. Alternate between Forms B and C for progress monitoring during intervention throughout the school year 


When completing this field, consider what forms have already been used in the Assessment History table.  


Start a skill 


Select the starting assessment skill in the Start a skill drop-down. Begin at the student’s level of competency to prevent frustration. 


There are 11 PASI skills, 15 PSI skills, and 75 PLL subskills available. The Assessment History table can help inform you where you might start.  


In the case of a reassessment, select the skill you would like to reassess in which the student performed poorly. 


  • Select phonological awareness skills for PASI assessments.  
  • Select phonics skills for PSI assessments. 
  • Select phonics subskills for PLL assessments.  


Once the Actions panel is complete, click START ASSESSMENT to begin administering an assessment. 


Click SCHEDULE ASSESSMENT to schedule an assessment for later. Scheduled assessments can be found within the assessor’s My Activities tab of the Today page for a centralized view of their caseload. 

To learn more about the Today page, reference our article on Today Page.  


To learn more about administering digital assessments, reference our article on Assessment Administration 

95 Percent Group Support is here to help! Contact us via the knowledge base support form or email at 

To learn more about submitting tickets, reference our article on One95™ Support. 

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