Assign Student Activities Page

Modified on Wed, 5 Mar at 4:39 PM

Table of Contents

The Assign Student Activities page enables Sortegories™ module management and visibility into student activity progress in the One95™ platform. 



If your district has Sortegories™ enabled in the One95 platform, the Assign Student Activities page will be available. 


Sortegories is a teacher-directed literacy tool that pairs with any core literacy curriculum including 95 Phonics Core Program® (PCP). This web-based tool provides K-3 students and older readers who lack accuracy and fluency with purposeful, individualized practice opportunities spanning decoding, vocabulary, morphology, and syntax that build proficiency. 


Contact your main district contact to learn more about Sortegories.

Access the Assign Student Activities page by selecting Activities from the navigation panel.  

Assign Student Activities Overview 


The Assign Student Activities page is the educator dashboard for Sortegories module assignments that provides the record of students’ activity progress.  

Modules can be dynamically assigned to one or many students in each educator's class or care for whole-class or small-group instruction and independent practice. The assignments made here determine which modules students can access within the One95 student flipbook.


This page summarizes scores and performance insights, offering educators transparency into how students are performing and where they may need additional support. Users can drill down into each student’s activity data and view robust breakdowns of their efforts and achievements. 


Individual student and group results can be printed and shared with stakeholders who may not have access to One95, empowering educators to drive data-informed decisions. 

All One95 users with Sortegories enabled in their school can access this page to assign or unassign modules and track student progress. 


Note: Group printing functionality is coming soon. 

Data Visibility 


Student data visibility within the Assign Student Activities page is driven by the scope of student data permitted to be displayed and accessed by each role. 

If your district has the 95 Literacy Intervention System (LIS) enabled, the ability to filter students by groups in which you are a leader will be available.




Each user can either view their rostered and group-assigned students or all the students in the school. 




Each LIS user can view the groups they lead. 

Module Table 


The module table within the Assign Student Activities page allows educators to manage module assignments and view students' scores.

Read the module results horizontally to view each student’s progression. 

Students Column  


The leftmost STUDENTS column displays the names of students available to you. 


By default, the list of students is sorted alphabetically by last name and then alphabetically by first name. Note that student names cannot be selected. 

The number of students displayed is indicated by the number next to the column name. A maximum of 50 students are shown at once.


If additional students remain in the classroom, click Show More Students at the bottom of the page to display the next or remaining set of students.  


Contact your main district contact if you cannot view students in your class or care. 

Module Columns 


The table’s columns are labeled Module 1 through Module 6. These columns represent the six Sortegories modules available within each level: A, B, and C.  

Modules are the unit in which you can assign to students for literacy practice from the Assign Student Activities page.

Scroll up and down using your mouse and sideways using the table's arrow icons to view all modules and student results.


3x3 Grid 


Modules across all levels provide nine sequenced activities in a 3x3 grid. 


Activity names slightly differ between levels. In the example above, Level A is shown. 


Each row of activities focuses on one of three main areas of literacy skill development.    


  • The first row represents the Read and Spell activities. 
  • The second row represents the Word Meaning activities. 
  • The third row represents the Comprehension activities. 


A 3x3 grid is displayed within the student rows of every module column, reflecting a miniature version. 

The square colors are an indicator of the student’s activity score, providing a high-level look of what the student achieved at proficiency. By default, squares are white, indicating students have not yet attempted the activities. 


  • Green squares indicate the student’s highest score among every completed attempt is 80% or higher. 
  • Orange squares indicate the student’s highest score among every completed attempt is less than 80%. 
  • Gray squares indicate the student started their first activity attempt but did not complete it (e.g., logged out, got frustrated, etc.).
  • White squares indicate the student has not completed an attempt. 


Hover over the Info Key button to reference the 3x3 grid color criteria at any time. 

To print the information within the Info Key, reference our article on Sortegories™ Info Key.

Row Boxes 


The boxes alongside the 3x3 grid represent the activities within each row’s skill group. 




  • The ROW 1 box represents the Read and Spell activities. 
  • The ROW 2 box represents the Word Meaning activities. 
  • The ROW 3 box represents the Comprehension activities. 


Each box displays the student’s average score across all three activities. The box colors are an additional indicator of the student’s score. 


  • Green boxes represent a mastery of 80% or better.  
  • Orange boxes represent a mastery of less than 80%. 
  • Light blue boxes represent no complete attempts. 


Hover over the Info Key button to reference the skill groups and ROW boxes color criteria at any time. 

To print the information within the Info Key, reference our article on Sortegories™ Info Key.


Note: Student averages will be rounded up or down using standard rounding logic. For example, an average of 91.3% will be rounded down to 91% and an average of 91.5% will be rounded up to 92%. 

Table Filtering 


By default, the module table will reflect the Level A modules. Users can alternate between levels by using the Level drop-down above the table. 

The list of students displayed can be filtered by name, grade, and LIS groups to streamline assignments and performance review.



Note: The Sortegories drop-down cannot be modified. 




Use the Level drop-down above the module table to toggle between levels A, B, and C. Level A is selected by default. 



To locate a student, scroll through the list of students or use the filtering options available above the module table.  


Filters can be used in conjunction with one another and the search bar. Leverage as many or as few filters as necessary.  


Click the X icon within the selected grades and/or groups and the search bar to clear the filters.  




Use the Grade drop-down to filter the students displayed within the module table by grade.  


Mark the checkboxes next to one or multiple grades. Click Done once complete. 


Note: The available grades are synchronized from your district’s rostering platform. 




If the LIS is enabled, use the Groups drop-down to filter the students displayed within the module table by the groups you lead.  


Mark the checkboxes next to one or multiple groups. Click Done once complete. 


Note: If LIS users are not associated with at least one active group or the LIS is disabled, users will not see the Groups drop-down. 

To learn more about filtering by active groups, reference our article on Sortegories Groups.


Student Name 


Use the Students Name search bar to filter students by first and/or last name. 


Module Assignments 


Educators can manage module assignments from the module table at any time.  


These settings determine which activities are available for each student within the One95 student flipbook. 

Assigning Modules 


Modules can be individually assigned or assigned to all students in the classroom at once. 


Individual Assignments 


The closed-eye icon within a student’s row indicates the module is not assigned to the student.  


To individually assign a module, click the closed-eye icon within the student’s row. 

After selection, the closed-eye icon will be replaced by an open-eye icon highlighted in green, indicating the module is available for practice in the student's flipbook.


Bulk Assignments 


The closed-eye icon within a module column indicates the module is not assigned in bulk.  

To assign a module to all students displayed in the table, click the closed-eye icon within the desired module column.  


Click Yes, Please Continue to confirm.  


After selection, the closed-eye icons will be replaced by open-eye icons highlighted in green, indicating the module is available for practice in the students’ flipbooks.

Unassigning Modules 


Modules can be unassigned from students individually or unassigned from all students in the classroom at once. 


Individual Assignment Removals 


The open-eye icon within a student’s row indicates the module is assigned to the student.  


To individually unassign a module, click the open-eye icon in the student’s row. 


After selection, the open-eye icon will be replaced by a closed-eye icon, indicating the module is no longer assigned to the student and has been removed from their flipbook.  

Bulk Assignment Removals 


The open-eye icon within a module column indicates the module is assigned in bulk.  

To unassign a module from all students displayed in the table, click the open-eye icon within the desired module column. 


Click Yes, Please Continue to confirm.  


After selection, the open-eye icons will be replaced by closed-eye icons, indicating the module is no longer assigned to the students and has been removed from their flipbooks. 


Hover over the Info Key button to reference the eye icon meanings at any time. 

Module Summary 


To drill down into students’ module progress, click anywhere on the student’s row except their name. 


This view provides a rich summary of the student’s performance. 

The module summary is structured like the 3x3 grid and organized by row, with each card representing one of the nine activities. Score are displayed for each row.


Scroll up and down using your mouse to view all activity results. 

Hover over the Info Key button to reference the module summary color criteria at any time. 


To print the information within the Info Key, reference our article on Sortegories™ Info Key. 

Module Summary Header 


The header at the top of the module summary displays the selected student and module. 


The module summary header formatting is as follows: [Student First Name + Last Name]: [Module Number] Summary (Level X) (e.g., Darin Robinson: Module 1 Summary (Level A)).

Row Sections 


The module summary consists of three sections. These sections capture the student’s data for each row of instruction.  


  • The Row 1: Read & Spell section displays the Read and Spell activity results. 
  • The Row 2: Word Meaning  section displays the Word Meaning activity results. 
  • The Row 3: Comprehension section displays the Comprehension activity results. 


The student’s average score across all three activities is displayed at the top of each section. The score colors are an additional indicator of the student’s score. 


  • Green scores represent a mastery of 80% or better.  
  • Orange scores represent a mastery of less than 80%. 
  • No scores represent no complete attempts. 

Activity Cards 


Activity cards reflect the data from the student's highest completed activity attempt. 

Each activity card displays the following information across all levels and modules.

Activity Name 


The activity name (e.g., Sound Match) is displayed at the top of the card.  


Highest Score 


The student’s highest score from each completed attempt is displayed below the activity name. 

The score colors are an additional indicator of the student’s score. 


  • Green scores represent a mastery of 80% or better.  
  • Orange scores represent a mastery of less than 80%. 
  • No scores represent no complete attempts. 


The score will be blank if the student has not started or finished an activity attempt. 



The Date section displays the date of the student’s highest score attempt in MM/DD/YYYY format.  


The date will be blank if the student has not started or finished an activity attempt. 


Note: If there are multiple high scores of the same value, the most recent attempt date will be displayed. 




The Duration section displays the student’s activity duration for the highest score attempt. 


The duration will be blank if the student has not started or finished an activity attempt. 


Note: If there are multiple high scores of the same value, the most recent attempt duration will be displayed. 

Progress Bar 


The blue progress bar visualizes the student’s number of correct answers out of the total within their highest score attempt. 


The progress bar will be light blue if the student has not started or finished an activity attempt.  




There are three boxes within the Attempts section.  


  • The green box displays the number of successful attempts (i.e., score of 80% or better). 
  • The orange box displays the number of unsuccessful attempts (i.e., score of less than 80%). 
  • The gray box displays the number of incomplete attempts (i.e., did not finish or DNF). 


The boxes will appear blank if the student has not started or finished an activity attempt. 




The Print button at the bottom of the module summary allows you to print the student’s record and obtain hard copies of the data. 


This information can be used as supporting documentation for the student and shared with stakeholders who may not have access to the One95 platform. 

Note: For optimal printing formatting, ensure the Headers and footers and Background graphics checkboxes are marked within printing settings.


To verify these settings, expand the More settings section within the printing modal. Scroll down until you locate Options. From here, mark one or both checkboxes. 

95 Percent Group Support is here to help! Contact us via the knowledge base support form or email at [email protected]. 

To learn more about submitting tickets, reference our article on One95™ Support. 

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